PAINTER8 arts society
















all images © PAINTER8 Arts Society
and their respective artists
Webdesign by Improvdesign


PAINTER8 Invisible logo

When: Sept 26, 2019 - Feb 29, 2020
Where: Galerie Cité at La Cite Francophone, Edmonton, AB

Listen to the radio interview with Tim Rechner

interview with Tim Rechner

Digital Catalogue available. Click here.

“INVISIBLE, seeks to provoke dialogue on the topic of mental illness and challenge the stigma surrounding it. Inspiration behind INVISIBLE stems from the artists’ personal experiences, struggles and victories with mental illness. The artists have also engaged with their local community to collect their stories and spoken to mental health professionals to gain further insight on this subject.  In this exhibition, PAINTER8 presents a visual interpretation of various mental illnesses: including anxiety, depression, SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder), bipolar disorder, mania, psychosis, and schizophrenia. By doing so, PAINTER8 uses art to bring visibility to this subject. Mental illness is often INVISIBLE.”

« INVISIBLE, vise à provoquer le dialogue au sujet des maladies mentales et contester la tare sociale qui s’y rattache. L’inspiration derrière INVISIBLE découle des expériences personnelles, des luttes et des victoires des artistes en lien aux maladies mentales. Ils se sont également engagés dans leur communauté locale afin de rassembler leurs histoires et ils ont parlé à des professionnels de la santé mentale pour gagner un nouvel aperçu de ce sujet. Dans cette exposition, PAINTER8 présente une interprétation visuelle de diverses maladies mentales, y compris l’anxiété, la dépression, le TAS (trouble affectif saisonnier), le trouble bipolaire, la manie, la psychose et la schizophrénie. Ce faisant, PAINTER8 se sert d’art pour améliorer la visibilité à l’égard de ce sujet. La maladie mentale est souvent INVISIBLE. »

Visual artists from across Canada exhibiting are: Craig Talbot (Cardston, AB), Tim Rechner (Edmonton), Chrissy Cheung (Vancouver), Tom Cummins (Vancouver), Beth Pederson (Edmonton), Rafael Sottolichio (Montreal), miss hatt (Montreal), guest artist: Kai Chan (Toronto).

Galerie Cité
8627 Rue Marie-Anne Gaboury (91 St), Edmonton, Alberta T6C 3N1

Download the Press Release here

invisible show card

To keep up with upcoming exhibition updates, please follow us on PAINTER8 Facebook page or instagram

Article in the Edmonton Journal :

Edmonton Journal - Painter8

PAINTER8 received a message from the Mayor, Don Iveson

Don Iveson message

Interview with Bernadine Fox on Vancouver Co-op Radio on Feb 11.
"Both sides now".
2nd half of this video: